CPAE is only available to credentialed professionals who meet stringent qualifications !
이 과정의 검정과목은 다음이며 자격취득을 위한 시험과 검정방법은 추가 자료를 참조하시기 바랍니다
① Philanthropy Management and Leadership
② 변화 경영(Change Management)
③ 상담 코치 이론(Donor Advisor and Education)
④ 자산 관리(Estate Planning)와 자선 기부(Charitable Giving)
⑤ 죽음학(Thanatology)
⑥ 유산기부 프로그램 운영 및 관리
⑦ 조직행동론(Organizational Behavior)
CPAE 의 ECO( exam content outline)
Exam Design, Content, and Timing
CPAE Board test a candidate’s ability to apply the knowledge and experience they have obtained.
The Exam Content Outline (ECO) contains broad conceptual topic areas, which are related to the
Required Core Curriculum modules (topics) established by the CPAE for each Philanthropy adviser
classification. Guide Note 1 in the Qualification Criteria includes suggested subtopics for each
educational topic area required.
Although candidates for an adviser credential are not required by the CPAE to obtain education
covering each subtopic area, Guide Note 1 was issued to provide topics that would likely appear
on the exams.
1. 필란트로피의 이해 40분
2. 사회투자와 임팩트 금융 36분
3. 한국 근대 모금 캠페인 68분
4. 그랜트 작성 프로세스 30분
5. 고객과의 관계형성 노하우 48분